Giving Back
To encourage a butterfly effect of positivity, we also include a donation for every gift given!
Right now we are donating to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. In hopes that together someday we will find a cure
Every gratitude box sold includes a special donation given to a specially selected fundraiser!
We are proud to support our community and are excited to encourage a butterfly effect of positivity!
Currently we are giving to
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society in hopes of a cure
This charity is near and dear to our hearts. Unfortunately we have lost 2 very special people in our lives to the disease. These family members were inspirational through the love they gave and the positivity they shared with the community.
Together creating the Celebration of Life yearly fundraiser. Through their efforts they donated thousands of dollars in hopes for a cure and we are continuing their legacy in hopes to continue their wish for a cure and to help those in the community like them.
These two individuals were people who truly lived with a Hit the Spot mindset. They knew how to celebrate and enjoy life. From the littlest conversion, to a shared meal, they both knew how to live life to the fullest! They never let adversity stop them from enjoying and celebrating life. We hope that through Hit the Spot Treats, we can share this same vivacious ideology of living a truly sweet life with you all and your families as well.

In loving memory of:
Salvatore Salamone & Letizia Reynolds.

"Our Vision is a World Free of MS"
The National MS Society